- Data Solutions for Modern Problems
Our Products
Data Solutions and Management
We are dedicated to assist organizations to be
data-driven by exploring their date to improve
strategic decision-making, reduce risk and create
operational efficiencies
Yakinda PMPM
Predict maintenance and preventive machine.
Machines fails costing an organization money and sometimes their customers as failed machines may spend some time to get their spare
parts and getting the qualified engineer for fixing it.
Yakinda DF
Demand Forecasting
Marketing and Sales team would like to predicting future sales by using historical data to make informed business decisions about
everything from inventory planning and warehousing needs to
running promotions andmeeting customer expectations.
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Yakinda CCM
Customer Complaint Management (IT)
Customer Service Team receives customer complaint logged by Level 1
supportteam,the complaintsneedtoread, segregatedandacteduponusing
defined SOP. As part of SOP service teamneed to analyze different data point
available in CRMto reply to the customer query or escalate itto nextlevel of
service agent.
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Optimization models for production lines
Mix a fewingredients or products in ordertomaximize nutrition/revenue,
minimize cost, andsoon.
• Limestone
• Corn
• Soybeans